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The Dragons Gauntlet

The Dragons Gauntlet was made for a week long game jam called The Champion Jam. For our game we chose to use character selection and unique abilities for the theme of "Champion"


The Dragons Gauntlet is a top down bullet hell game where the player gets to choose to play 1 of 4 playable characters to try and defeat the Dragons Gauntlet. The player gets to play through a dungeon full of different unique enemies while also being able to collect mystical Orbs that increase the stats of the character being played.

In this project I worked as a level designer, UI designer, and System developer as well as helping come up with the concept of the game. My first task for TDG was to create the player movement and come up with the character abilities. After doing the characters movement I made it so each of the characters were able to fire projectiles before I went off to work on enemy AI. The first step for enemies was to make them follow the player and shoot, from there I handed that task to another team member and went to develop character selection utilizing some of the packages built into unity. Finally after that was done I made a quick main menu and went on to level design where I designed and created over 16+ rooms for the player to run around and explore in our randomly generated dungeon. Later in the games production cycle I edited the games post processing affects and made the games UI and implemented sounds. Over all I did a lot on this project in the short week we had to make the game, it was a great learning experience and the team worked very well together.

My Role on The Dragons Gauntlet

Level Design

I was responsible for creating all of the playable rooms in The Dragons Gauntlet, for this project I created over 24+ unique rooms for the player to run around in

My thoughts when designing levels for this project were to make sure that the rooms were mostly open allowing the player to avoid the many projectiles that would be heading their way. For the rooms that are more condensed I also made sure to balance out what enemies could spawn in those rooms for the player to fight

On top of a unique layout I also made it so rooms will have a unique amount of enemies per every room you find, that way when entering a room with a familiar lay out you don't fight the exact same enemy type and quantity of enemies for that tile

The slide deck to the right shows a few of the tile sets I created for the player to explore in this bullet hell game!

Making combat feel better

I was responsible for creating all of the playable rooms in The Dragons Gauntlet, for this project I created over 24+ unique rooms for the player to run around in

My thoughts when designing levels for this project were to make sure that the rooms were mostly open allowing the player to avoid the many projectiles that would be heading their way. For the rooms that are more condensed I also made sure to balance out what enemies could spawn in those rooms for the player to fight

On top of a unique layout I also made it so rooms will have a unique amount of enemies per every room you find, that way when entering a room with a familiar lay out you don't fight the exact same enemy type and quantity of enemies for that tile

The slide deck to the right shows a few of the tile sets I created for the player to explore in this bullet hell game!

Character Select

When creating TDG for the champion jam we wanted our player to feel more in control of picking their 'Champion' and we wanted them to know more about that character to make them feel more unique

To do so I created a character selection screen that the player could use to pick what character they want to play, learn some info about the character, and see their characters unique ability!

This was the most challenging task for me on this project because it is something I had never done before and although it was a difficult task I was more than happy to figure it all out and I am more than happy with how it came out!

Play The Dragons Gauntlet

Try the game here!

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